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刘长英 副教授

作者:   发布日期:2020-06-28   浏览:


位:成都大学 食品与生物工程学院/农业农村部杂粮加工重点实验室


电子邮箱:liuchangying@cdu.edu.cn; lcyswu@163.com.


2008/092012/06  西南大学  生物技术学院  蚕学  学士

2012/092015/06  西南大学  生物技术学院  特种经济动物饲养  硕士

2015/092018/06  西南大学  家蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室  遗传学  博士


2018/072020/07  西南大学  畜牧学博士后流动站  博士后

2020/08至今    成都大学  食品与生物工程学院   讲师、副教授





以特色杂粮作物为研究材料,开展品种选育、高产栽培技术及植物营养学相关领域的理论与实践研究。国家燕麦荞麦产业技术体系栽培生理岗团队成员。主持各类科研项目11项,其中国家级项目1项、省部级项目4项。作为研究骨干育成作物新品种2个,获批农业主导品种主推技术1项。以第一作者或通讯作者在J. Hazard. Mater.Int. J. Biol. Macromol.Food Res. Int.和作物学报等杂志上发表论文20篇,授权专利4项。担任Plant Physiol.Plant Biotechnol. J.Int. J. Biol. Macromol.Plant Physiol. Bioch.Front. Plant Sci.等杂志的审稿人。承担教学课程4门;累计指导研究生7名、本科生19名。


1. Li H, ……, Liu C, Li X. Genome-wide characterization of small secreted peptides in Nicotiana tabacum and functional assessment of NtLTP25 in plant immunity. Physiologia Plantarum, 2024, 176(4): e14436.

2. Liu C, Wang H, Li Han, et al. Transcriptome analyses reveal the toxicity of graphene oxide with different diameters on buckwheat root growth. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 60, 2024 (4): 237–248.

3. Qiu Q, ……, Liu C. Interkingdom multi-omics analysis reveals the effects of nitrogen application on growth and rhizosphere microbial community of Tartary buckwheat. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14: 1240029.

4. Liu C, You X, Qiu Q, et al. Study on morphological traits, nutrient compositions and comparative metabolomics of diploid and tetraploid Tartary buckwheat sprouts during sprouting. Food Research International, 2023, 164: 112334.

5. Liu C, Qiu Q, Zou B, et al. Comparative transcriptome and genome analysis unravels the response of Tatary buckwheat root to nitrogen deficiency. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2023, 196: 647–660.

6. Liu C, Sun L, Sun Y, et al. Integrating transcriptome and physiological analyses to elucidate the molecular responses of buckwheat to graphene oxide. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424: 127443.

7. Liu C, Ye X, Zou L, et al. Genome-wide identification of genes involved in heterotrimeric G-protein signaling in Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) and their potential roles in regulating fruit development. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 171: 435–447.

8. Liu C, Xiang D, Wu Q, et al. Dynamic transcriptome and co-expression analysis suggest the potential roles of small secreted peptides from Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) in low nitrogen stress response. Plant Science, 2021, 313: 111091.

9. Liu C, Wu Q, Sun L, et al. Nitrate dose-responsive transcriptome analysis identifies transcription factors and small secreted peptides involved in nitrogen response in Tartary buckwheat. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 162: 1–13.

10. Liu C, Hu J, Fan W, et al. Heterotrimeric G-protein γ subunits regulate ABA signaling in response to drought through interacting with PP2Cs and SnRK2s in mulberry (Morus alba L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 161: 210–221.


